Archive for July 29th, 2005



I’m getting lots of knitting done today. I’m ashamed to say I sat through two drive-thrus for two different fast food restaurants today (the McDonald’s fruit and walnut salad is really good!) during lunch time so I had lots of time to work on my Silk Corset. Row 15 and counting …

I swear I thought up this post before reading Jody’s excellent ode to knitting in the car (“KOTR”). Starting in September I’ll have to pick up two kids at two different times and I have to have some knitting around for all the waiting, otherwise I’ll never get anything done! If I could bring my Father’s Day tie in the car (I can’t because it’s on dpns) I would be done by now!


is a knitter, librarian and pop culture enthusiast in the San Francisco Peninsula. Email me at emmckee@rocketmail